Today’s 26 km cycle ride. Featured image is from the five ways intersection near Overeys, South Limburg (NL). Sub-zero overnight temperatures and only a little
Today’s 26 km cycle ride. Featured image is from the five ways intersection near Overeys, South Limburg (NL). Sub-zero overnight temperatures and only a little
This month was a very poor cycling month for me. January was dominated by extreme weather conditions, including heavy snow, high winds and constant sub-zero
It’s been no less that 73 days since I last rode my bike. Inclement weather, Christmas/New Year seasonal over-indulgence and laziness have all combined to
2024 was another great year on the bike(s), with a total of 4823 km cycled in 68 separate rides. I’ve had ten multi-day tours, with
November is the first month that I have ever completed two, two day cycle rides. In fact, these two rides, totalling 266 km, were actually
Earlier today I returned from a 151 km, two day cycle ride to the south of Heerlen. I left home yesterday before 07:30, still dark
This weekend I cycled 115 km, over two days, to re-visit the Meinweg National Park, to the north of Heerlen. Meinweg is about 1800 hectares
Today’s 46 km cycle ride was a nice loop to the north of Heerlen, taking in the wonderfully peaceful and scenic nature reserve of Teverener
Returned today from a nice two day, 150 km cycle ride, once again through some of Belgium’s beautiful nature parks. I left home yesterday, a