Another early morning start for a nice 44 km cycle ride in Dutch and German countryside to the north of Heerlen.

The country lanes and cycle tracks here are very familiar to me, being so close to home and it’s great to be out in open countryside so quickly.

Weather in this part of the world has been so unpredictable recently, with many thunderstorms arriving un-announced by the forecasters.

This morning was sunny and warm but dark clouds were never far away.

Fortunately I arrived home dry, despite light showers in the final kms.

Today’s featured image is from the gravel track that forms the border between Germany and the Netherlands, near the German hamlet of Hohenbusch.

Even though I’ve only cycled a couple of times since returning from my week long tour, my fitness levels remain good and I’m coping easily with the various hills in this area.

I’m certainly looking forward to several longer rides planned for the coming weeks.

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