A year ago today I acquired a 20 year old city bike in order to get around town, to the shops and maybe a little local exploration.

Little did I know then that this would actually re-ignite my childhood passion for cycling, which seemed to evaporate when I discovered motorcycles when I was 19.

In the past year I’ve cycled a total of 3573.4 km during 79 daily rides, taken over three thousand photographs and lost around 40 kg in weight.

Apparently I’ve also burned 120,880 calories according to my fitness app….I didn’t feel a thing!

A few statistics only tell part of the story; I’ve become invigorated, healthier and more inquisitive, using cycling as the perfect means to explore not only my immediate surroundings but further afield, even seeking out the gentle hills of south Limburg and Belgium to test my fitness a little more than usual.

With summer on the way and restrictions imposed by Covid19 being gradually reduced, my cycling plans are many, so I’m very much looking forwards to wherever I happen to ride next.

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