My 67 km cycle ride early today has helped me to achieve another objective that I set myself; to cycle 1000 km in the month of June.

The previous greatest distance in a month was 785 km, in April 2020, so it’s very satisfying to exceed this by such a big margin and with a few days to spare. Maybe 1200 km is possible?

There’s no doubt that the enhanced mechanical efficiency of my new bike has played a big part in this as well as my continually improving fitness and endurance levels.

I left home this morning, a little after 0600, in order to complete the ride before the forecast 30 degree temperatures arrived at around midday.

Heading north east, past Marheeze, Someren-Heide and Heusden I made good time through the beautiful North Brabant countryside before stopping for my breakfast banana in the small hamlet of Heitrak.

There were many recreational cyclists about this morning, no doubt wanting to ride in the cooler weather & maybe before going to work.

This is mainly a farming area so the very narrow country lanes were also busy with agricultural vehicles and milk tankers making their collections from the many dairies in the area.

It’s become my habit to stop by the canal at Weert for a while before cycling the last 2 km home and even taking this into account I was home before 1030.

#CW5000 : 4675.20 KM TO GO!

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