Like much of Europe we’ve had no rain for around 30 days.

Yesterday we had a day of thunder, lightning and torrential rain which has certainly cleared the air as well as providing much needed water to reservoirs and farmer’s fields.

I left home before 07:00 this morning for my cycle ride around the hills of south Limburg.

There was much evidence of the damaging effect of the heavy rain, with mud washed onto the roads from adjoining fields, flattened crops and many fallen branches from the overhanging trees.

However the air was fresh and a little cooler than the last few times I have cycled, very welcome as the sun appeared through the early morning mist.

Today’s featured image is of the memorial to the Dutch cycling commentator, Jan Nelisson.

The steel memorial overlooks the steep ascent of Gulperberg, a 500 metre long, 13.5% climb often part of the Amstel Gold race route.

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