Last week I completed the LF Zuiderzeeroute, a very challenging cycle tour in the north of the Netherlands.

By way of some background to this trip, please refer to the following stories:



Last Saturday, 6th July, I returned to Enkhuizen by train, with a view to staying overnight before resuming the route on Sunday morning.

There is a direct Intercity train route from Heerlen to Enkhuizen, usually with no changes.

However, on this particular day engineering works commenced on that line, with a replacement bus service between Eindhoven and Boxtel.

The bus service does not carry cycles so I simply cycled the 23 km to reconnect with the train service.

Once in Enkhuizen I checked into my accommodation, looking forwards to an early start to my tour on Sunday morning.

Over the following 6 days I cycled over 630 km and took 435 photographs.

Returning home on Friday afternoon, after a day of exceptionally heavy rain, was very satisfying, especially as it had been such a long time in the planning.

The featured image is of a traditional boatyard in Workum, Friesland.

The gallery of photographs includes the first stage of the tour, completed in March this year.

The routes for each day can be found here.

More to Explore: