Dragons & Ferries

Yesterday’s cycle ride was the longest so far, 74.4 km. Leaving quite early I arrived at Neer for the ferry south across the river Maas

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Belgium Again

Living so close to the Belgian border my cycling trips often take me that way. There is no frontier, as such, & country signs only

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Cycling in June

June hasn’t been such a busy cycling month, with extreme weather conditions (very high temperatures) being the main deterrent. A total of 92.9 km over

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Canals & Windmills

I’m fascinated by the extensive Dutch canal network. As luck would have it we have a large & busy canal passing by Weert. This morning’s

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I’ve no idea what the collective noun for a group of Mamils is, but given my experiences whilst cycling the highways & byways of the

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Maas Ferry

It’s been exactly two weeks since my last trip out on the cycle, enforced by having to wait for new tyres to be delivered and

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Getting Lost-2

Having discarded my ancient (1979) Michelin 1/200 000 road map, which led me astray more times than I care to admit, I have now acquired

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Getting Lost ?

I don’t suppose it’s possible to get lost when randomly exploring the nearby countryside? But I’m not one for aimlessly cycling around the highways &

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Return to Cycling

It’s been a month now since I acquired my first cycle for about 50 years. I’ve managed to get out on 10 different days, exploring

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